Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Issue #1 May Week 2

Hello, I would like to introduce you to the MXS Tribune. This will be your place for all MXSim News and updates.

Top Story-New Textures
I would like to start this issue off with an update from JLV on the textures. He posted that the new system is a total rewrite of the texturing system along with the new textures. The new textures will be placed in same way as track objects are now placed with adjustable size,"you can go big and blurry, small and detailed or anywhere in between".
Racing News
ound 5 of the MXS Nationals is heating up, many racers have done there races and are ready to send in. The race this week is at Locust MX Park. Locust is a smooth rather fast track with medium elavation changes. The race is scheduled to be 10 laps should be some good racing, hope everyone attends! If you are new you might want to check this thread out.

Week night racing-As many of you have noticed some members of the community including myself have been racing 2 or 3 track every night. These races are great fun and good practice for future race series that are sure to come about. To join in on the the fun you will want to check this thread out.

Track News

When i have time i will put the latest news on tracks here(probably next issue) along with new track objects and what not.

Other News
DJ released his YZ250F model this week, you can get it here.

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